Let theM know

Once again, our sport is in the spotlight after the tragic events at Monash University where a licenced pistol shooter killed two people and wounded five others. As mentioned on the news page, now would be a great time to phone, visit, fax, write or E-Mail your local member and newspaper.

There is a Police Minister's Council meeting very soon where changes to firearms laws will be discussed. Please let the politicians know how you feel. Please do it politely and do not get emotional. Below are some contact details for delegates at the meeting.

The NSW Police Minister is Michael Costa.
Office Address:
Legislative Council
Parliament House
Macquarie St Sydney 2000
Phone: 9230 2111 (parliament switch) or 9230 2971
Fax: 9230 3044
Ministerial Office Address:
Level 31 Governor Macquarie Tower
1 Farrer Place
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: 9228 5665
Fax: 9228 5699
Email: office@police.minister.nsw.gov.au

The meeting is also attended by the Justice Minister Chris Ellison. His contact details are below.

Ministerial Office
Parliament House
Tel: 02 6277 7260
Fax: 02 6273 7098
Electorate Office
89 Aberdeen Street
Northbridge WA 6003
Tel: 08 9328 3688
Fax: 08 9328 3900
e-mail: senator.ellison@aph.gov.au

It would also be a good idea to contact the PM and your local state and federal members.
John Howard.
GPO Box 59 Sydney 2001
Tel: 02 6277 7700
Fax: 02 6273 4100
To Email the PM, you must go to his home page: http://www.pm.gov.au and email him from there.

Your local member's (both State and Federal) contact details can be found at http://www.aec.gov.au

The Fairfax and News Ltd press are against us. They have all recently printed editorials calling for the banning of handguns. The editors can be contacted here, here and here.